Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Faculty list
 S.No |  Name |  Designation/Qualification |
 1 | Mr. Arvind Raja | Associate Professor (M.Tech) |
 2 | Dr. Vipin Jain | Associate Professor (Ph.D) |
3 | Mr. Sonu Singhal | Assistant Professor (M.Tech) |
4 | Mr.Sunil Bansal | Assistant Professor (M.Tech) |
5 | Mr. Hussain Firoj Ansari | Assistant Professor (M.Tech) |
Faculty achievements
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department has all experienced Faculty members. All Faculty members have interaction with industries.
Head of the Department Mr. Arvind Raja has taught various subjects of Electrical Engineering in the past and has significant contribution in the placement of Electrical Engineering Students in the Industries. He has more than twenty two years of teaching experience. His area of interest is Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Renewable Energy Resources.
Dr. Vipin Jain is a renowned Faculty member of Electrical Engineering Department. He has published more than eighteen research papers in National and International Journals and conferences. His three research papers have been published in the journal of Central Power Research Institute, Ministry of Power, Government of India. Central Power Research Institute has rewarded him for his research publications in their journal. He is the certified Government Energy Auditor by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power. He is fully dedicated towards Electrical Engineering and teaching job. His aim of life is to contribute new concepts in Electrical Engineering through his research publications and video lectures. He has seventeen years of teaching experience and more than twelve years of industrial experience. His area of interest is Electrical Machines, Power System Stability and Energy Auditing.
Mr. Sonu Singhal is also one of the very experienced Faculty members of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department. He has seventeen years of teaching experience and two years of industrial experience. His area of interest is Electrical Machines, Control Systems and Renewable Energy Resources.
Mr. Sunil Bansal has sixteen years of teaching experience and two years of industrial experience. His area of interest is Electrical Machines, Instrumentation and Renewable Energy Resources. Recently he has participated 50 days “Summer Faculty Research Fellow Programme-2023” in Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
Mr. Hussain Firoj Ansari has fifteen years of teaching experience and two years of industrial experience. His area of interest is Power System, Instrumentation and Renewable Energy Resources.