Director’s Message
Education, in essence, should bring to the fore the inner and inherent potential of the student. Educational institute, therefore, has to distinguish itself by providing sound infrastructure for higher education to leverage knowledge and innovation. More so, since the society and the nation look up to these centers for fulfilment of their aspirations and expectations. Education, be it primary or higher, need to go beyond its scope of merely imparting information and skill. It is precisely here that educational institutes have to play a pivotal role. It is rightly said that the child is not vessel to be filled but a lamp to be lit. Besides proactively providing an environment conducive to foster and nurture the inherent potential of the students, the institute need to consciously promote an inquisitive spirit among the students. The students would then be able to get acquainted with latest and upcoming research and inventions in science and technology. Hence, the institute has the onus of providing a platform for overall development of ethical, moral and human aspects of the personality of the students. The teachers are to be epitome of all that is good and need to maintain a professional demeanor by embracing traits like honesty, integrity and sincerity. This would go long way in bringing about quantitative and qualitative expansion of the student personality. Let us, therefore, pledge ourselves to rebuilding our institution and thus live up to the expectations and the trust reposed in us. Let us make concerted and sincere efforts to restore the glory and eminence to this institute. Together we march ahead to achieve the excellence.
Prof. (Dr.) Kamlesh Kr. Rana
(PhD – IIT, M. Tech. – GGSIPU, B.E. – MMMEC)