MBA Department

About Department
BIT Management Department is providing quality education in North India. We have been imparting quality education in management for last 20 years.
We are focused to create future leaders who manage and create powerful organizations in the business world. Our main strength lies in its core of experienced and motivated Faculties & professional personnel. The finest blend of academic vividness and Industry exposure, supplemented by selected visiting faculty for highly specialized courses, make the course structures and delivery amongst the best in the country. Most of the faculties are Ph. D or in the process of acquiring the same. The quality of research can be judged by the constant stream of research papers and articles that are published in reputed journals or presented at significant conferences & seminars. Â
To increase the industry relevance of our students, we organize variety of strong industry engagement activities like guest lectures, Business Quizzes, Case study competition, Industrial visit and Internship programs.